Wildhern Circular Walk
Distance: 2.5 mile walk
Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
Start/Finish: Tangley Wildhern Village Hall, SP11 0JE
This 2.5 mile walk follows field systems, woodland and passes derelict farm buildings.
Refreshments: Hare & Hounds, Charlton Down (01264 735672)
Old Bell & Crown, Hatherden (01264 735321)
From the village hall turn left along the road or cut across the sports field. At road T junction turn left and almost immediately right onto the public footpath. Follow footpath past houses on right into field keeping hedge on left. After approximately 500m the path swings left and passes through a gap in the hedge line. The path runs between open fields on either side, then crosses a staggered track and, still continuing in the same direction, becomes a track between hedgerows.
On reaching the derelict buildings at Doles Farm continue round to the right towards a forest gate. Take the track which forks right before the gate and continue along the woodland track.
After leaving the wood the track continues between hedgerows. Just after reaching a small copse on the left side of the track and before reaching the main road turn right onto a footpath with a hedgerow on the left and field on the right. Follow this path, which on passing through the end of the field kinks slightly left and continues again with a hedgerow on the left.
After sharp right and left turns follow the path through the middle of Plough Farm and straight on between hedge and fence onto the road. Turn right and, at the chapel, turn left to return to the village hall.